Wednesday, May 18, 2016

And God Created Them Male and Female

    God told the first couple (and no I don't mean Barack and Michelle) you must not eat of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden.  Because if you eat of it you will surely die.  I think that implied that God did not want them to die.  He wanted them to enjoy a really good life in the garden where He walked and talked with them.
   But then the enemy came along and said, "Really? God told you that you would die?  That's ridiculous you won't die.  God just knows that you'll be like Him if you partake."  
   Well the deceiver was wrong and God was right.  They ate and they died.  On top of that, so has or or so will everyone else that has ever been born.  (Well except for Enoch and Elijah but that's another lesson.)   Maybe it is a good and wise thing to believe what God says.  He knows considerably more than we do.
   For any unbelievers out there that think Adam and Eve were fictional characters please go to Ancestry.God  (in the pages of scripture) and discover they were indeed real people who did these real things that we are talking about.  I am certain that all educated folks realize that Jesus was a real person.  What you believe about Him may vary, but he was real indeed and documentation from many sources verify this.  
   In Matthew chapter 1, scripture records the linage of Jesus' earthly parent's all the way back to Abraham. (common sense says that all those people would also have to be real.)   Most people believe that Abraham was not fictional. He has way too many decedents to have been fictional. Stay with me.   In Genesis chapter 11 scripture provides record of Abraham's linage back to Shem. (One of Noah's sons.....Yes Noah was also real) Amazing isn't it?  It would have to trace back to one of the three sons of Noah because all other humans were destroyed in a flood and surprise, surprise, it does. (Common sense says that all those people would also have to have been real, and they were.)
    Genesis chapter 5 provides record of Shem's linage back to Adam and then it stops.  Hummmmm. Interesting huh?  Just threw all that in for any unbelievers.  Now to continue.......
   Here's another thing that God has, in His wisdom, let mankind in on.  Genesis 1:27:  So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.  Truth bomb here....there are only two choices.  By God's plan and design there would be male and female, boy or girl.
  Well, along comes the deceiver (the same one from the garden) and says, "You can be whatever you want, you don't have to be a boy, or you don't have to be a girl."  Just because your DNA is that of a boy, it doesn't mean that you are really a boy. "Did God really say?......"  The deceiver says, "You can be what you want to be."  
   So, now we can flood your body with foreign hormones and do surgeries on you that give you the appearance that you are not what you are.  You are now a counterfeit, and society is foolish enough to believe that sinister voice that beckons you away from who you are.
  Maybe, just maybe that person who is confused about their gender identity has some deep rooted conflicts.  Maybe they need to sort some things out.  There could have been some deep wound inflicted by someone in their life that causes an unconscious revulsion so strong that they don't want to ever be like that person, even to the point of not wanting to be the same gender as that person. 
    Might it be possible for a child to hate a parent, or sibling, or even a stranger so much that they cannot stand to see themselves as the same gender as that person?
   Is it possible that a young boy out there might have heard his mother speak constantly about how horrid men are as he grew up.  Words of how men are all useless and stupid.   The continual message that she has no use for them.  Do you think that little boy is going to want to grow up to be a man if his mom expresses such disdain for men?  Is it possible he might start thinking he wishes he was a girl.
   And girls, who witness or endure continual abuse at the hands of a mean, angry, selfish man; might they decide in their little noggins that being the weaker sex has too much pain involved? Many things can plant seeds of confusion.
  If gender confusion can come from such things as these, we have to ask, is marching them into operating rooms to change their bodies going to fix anything?  I doubt it.  It will probably create more confusion, and drag down society in the process.
  Occasionally birth defects happen where a child might be born with both male and female organs, but this is rare and this is not what is causing society to go insane and demand that we allow children to  relinquish the gift of their God given gender.  
   This is not kindness to those confused individuals. This is abuse. This is not the thing that will bring wellness and joy into their lives.